Monday, October 24, 2011

Food glorious food

This week we are going to discuss about our favourite topic, FOOD!!!!

I am sure everyone loves food. Every culture has their unique recipes and styles of serving the different dishes.
Oh man! Typing already makes me hungry.

One of the popular food among the Malays are the Lontong. It is made by boiling the rice which is stuffed in banana leaf. Once it's boiled for close to 2 hours, it will be cut into smaller rice cakes. Lontongs are normally served with Sayur Lodeh, coconut milk soup with different veggies such as brinjals, long beans, tofus and cabbage.

The Lontong dish is a traditional Hari Raya dish served for lunch on that day. 

And oh! You can get a bowl of Lontong dish at Kampong Glam Cafe for around $3.50.

Another favourite food of mine is the Satay!

It is made of marinated meat; chicken, lamb, or beef, skewered and grilled, served with spicy peanut gravy, slices of onion, cucumbers and lontong.
Tumeric, is the most important ingredient to marinate Satay because it gives the yellow color for the meat. Not forgetting the sweet soy sauce, shallots, garlic and some chilli powder to add on the taste.

You can get some of the best Satay at East Coast Lagoon Food Centre, or Lau Pa Sat.
You'll definitely be spoiled for choice!

-images taken from Google

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