Monday, October 24, 2011

Food glorious food

This week we are going to discuss about our favourite topic, FOOD!!!!

I am sure everyone loves food. Every culture has their unique recipes and styles of serving the different dishes.
Oh man! Typing already makes me hungry.

One of the popular food among the Malays are the Lontong. It is made by boiling the rice which is stuffed in banana leaf. Once it's boiled for close to 2 hours, it will be cut into smaller rice cakes. Lontongs are normally served with Sayur Lodeh, coconut milk soup with different veggies such as brinjals, long beans, tofus and cabbage.

The Lontong dish is a traditional Hari Raya dish served for lunch on that day. 

And oh! You can get a bowl of Lontong dish at Kampong Glam Cafe for around $3.50.

Another favourite food of mine is the Satay!

It is made of marinated meat; chicken, lamb, or beef, skewered and grilled, served with spicy peanut gravy, slices of onion, cucumbers and lontong.
Tumeric, is the most important ingredient to marinate Satay because it gives the yellow color for the meat. Not forgetting the sweet soy sauce, shallots, garlic and some chilli powder to add on the taste.

You can get some of the best Satay at East Coast Lagoon Food Centre, or Lau Pa Sat.
You'll definitely be spoiled for choice!

-images taken from Google

Baju Kurung, the Malay Traditional costume

The Malay traditional costume, which is called 'Baju Kurung',
is a lose cut dress worn by the Malays during the olden days.
But the costume evolved to be more colourful and fashionable as time pass. The Malays were influenced by the fashion style of traders who came from China, India, Middle East and Europe. There are different kinds of styles of the Baju Kurung namely Baju Kebaya, Baju Melayu, Baju Kurung Pahang. The names differ due to the unique design and cutting for each costume.

A sample of Baju Kebaya; a blouse-dress usually worn with a sarong or kain batik. Notice the flaps that runs in the centre where the blouse meets. Ladies normally attach a three-piece brooch (kerongsang) since the Kebaya has no buttons down the flaps.

A sample of a simple Baju Kurung. A big brooch (kerongsang) is worn to accessorize and make the costume looks more exclusive.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Trip to Kampong Glam

On 23 September 2011, we had a trip to Kampong Glam as part of our Learning Journey. We were so excited about the trip that we were restless throughout our lessons. We wish that time pass by quickly.

It was 2pm, and everyone was assembled at the school's porch, waiting for the bus. When the bus reached, we scrambled to get out seats.

20 minutes passed, and we finally reached Kampong Glam! The tour guide, Mr Yeo, brought us to the Malay Heritage Center, which is also known as Istana Kampong Glam, where we get to know more about the origins of the Malays and their culture, and also the history of the location. 

We learned that the word "Kampung" means "village or settlement" in Malay, and "Glam" is the name of a tree, which was commonly seen in the area in early Singapore. Initially, a fishing village situated at the mouth of Rochor River, Kampong Glam was allocated specially for the Sultan and his household, as well as the Malays and Arabs, many of whom were businessmen.

It was scorching hot, but we dragged our feet and continued to walk further. We saw a beautiful place of worship which has a very unique golden colour. With the sun shining on the domes, the view was simply amazing!

 "This is the Sultan Mosque, or Masjid Sultan, the most outstanding landmark in the Kampong Glam Malay Heritage District. Masjid Sultan has a history way back in 1824.The mosque has a prayer hall that can fit in almost 5000 during a mass prayer", said Mr Yeo as we were admiring the architectural design of the mosque.
Today, the Sultan Mosque remains a major landmark in Singapore. Around the mosque along Arab Street, Bahgdad Street and Bussorah Street, rows of shophouses that have been conserved can be seen. Most of the tenants are using the space as design firms, art galleries, crafts and lifestyle shops, and restaurants. Some shops also sell items like textile and carpet, religious items used by Muslims.

Mr Yeo brought us to a shop that sells perfume oils, which is called 'Attar'. We found out later that the Arabs like to put on the Attar almost all the time, especially during prayers. The Arab merchants were the ones who brought and sell Attar to the community.
We were happy because we bought a small bottle of Attar each as a souvenier. Some of us bought more than two bottles because it was cheap! They were selling at only $2 per small bottle of 5ml.

The trip had to end, and we boarded the bus back to school. It was tiring, but worth our time because we learned a lot and get to enjoy the nice views in Kampong Glam and the colourful shophouses along the streets.


Here are some good blogs on 'history' posts.

Observe how images/photos play an important role, and make a difference when 'History' is mentioned. 

Cardinal Wolsey’s Today in History

The Victorian Peeper 

Looking at Sussex Churches

Examples of bad layout designs

          Look at how the background colors overpowering the text and caused          
 difficulties in reading the posts.


Useful Links

These are some useful links that is good for reading and add to your general knowledge. Please take some time in reading all these links and put it into your own words which you understand from this. =)

Kampong Glam:


Little India


Students are to upload all images saved or downloaded from 'Google search' in every post. You might want to create a folder on your Desktop, so that your images are nicely organized.
Choose one of the following topics:
1) Kampong Glam
2) Little India 
3) Chinatown

In every blog post, it has to be related with the topic that we have discussed such as: 

1) History
2) Traditional Costumes
3) Food

Upload 3 images in every post, and explain in about 30-50 words why you have chosen that image.